How To Deal With Hangover Migraines: Easy Tips and Tricks.

by | Jun 5, 2024 | Hangover Recovery, Hangover Relief, Headaches | 0 comments

Did you know that too much alcohol can cause a bad headache the next day?1 If you’ve had lots to drink, you might wake up feeling sick, very thirsty, and with a pounding headache. It’s best to not overdo it on drinking, but if you do, there are ways to help the pain. You can drink water or sports drinks, use some kinds of drugs you can get without a doctor, or try some natural cures. Now, companies can even bring IV treatments to your house to help you feel better.

Key Takeaways

  • Moderating alcohol intake is the best preventive measure against hangover headaches1.
  • Hydration with water and sports drinks is essential for alleviating hangover headaches1.
  • Over-the-counter medications tailored for reducing inflammation can provide relief1.
  • Innovative treatments like mobile IV therapy offer immediate relief from symptoms at home.
  • Understanding alcohol’s diuretic effects helps in choosing effective migraine remedies after drinking1.

Understanding Hangover Migraines

Hangover migraines come from drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol makes our bodies release cytokines and gets inflamed. This leads to headaches that pound and feeling like you might throw up. Alcohol also makes you lose water, making you feel even worse with dizziness and a dry mouth. These migraines can last a really long time after a night of drinking, sometimes up to 72 hours. But, they usually go away sooner2.

What Causes Hangover Migraines?

It’s key to know what makes hangover migraines happen. After you drink, your body makes something called congeners. You find these mostly in darker drinks like whiskey, brandy, and red wine. These congeners make your hangover worse alongside the alcohol’s usual bad effects. Experts think having 5 to 8 drinks for guys, and 3 to 5 for girls causes this. If you’re already someone who gets migraines, you might have even more trouble with hangovers2.

understanding hangover migraines

Symptoms to Watch Out For

Spotting hangover migraine signs early helps with dealing with them. You might feel dehydrated with a headache that pounds and a dry mouth. It’s common to feel sick to your stomach and have a bad headache because your blood vessels are too wide. How well you sleep can make the hangover better or worse. A search online shows many people looking for ways to make hangovers better. If you notice and deal with these symptoms quickly, they might not bother you as much2.

Preventing Hangover Migraines: Tips Before You Drink

To prevent hangover migraines, start before that first drink. Making smart choices early on can greatly reduce the risk of headache misery later. Let’s dive into some handy tips.

hangover migraine prevention

Choosing the Right Drinks

Go for clear spirits like vodka, not darker ones. Whiskey or rum have more of a certain type of alcohol that makes hangovers worse1. Research shows these substances can really ramp up your hangover1.

Eating Before Drinking

It’s key to have a good meal before you drink. Carbs help slow alcohol’s effects and keep your blood sugar steady1. Also, eating proteins and healthy fats can help your body deal with alcohol’s impact better. They fight off inflammation and dehydration, major causes of bad hangover headaches2. Hangovers might stick with you for up to 72 hours afterwards, their strength depending on how well you’ve eaten and drank water2.

Following these tips can really help prevent hangover migraines. They show the value of being prepared and making thoughtful choices. This approach is the best way to handle hangover headaches wisely and proactively.

Hydration Strategies

Staying hydrated is key for handling hangover symptoms, like migraines. Knowing the right ways to hydrate can help fight these problems more effectively.

Importance of Water

Water is very important in easing hangover migraines. After you drink, your body’s messaging system gets messed up. This leads to more trips to the bathroom and you becoming dehydrated. This shows up as feeling thirsty, tired, and having a headache3. Drinking lots of water helps. It fixes these issues and helps your body get back in balance faster3.

Using Electrolyte Drinks

Electrolyte drinks are great too. They put back the important minerals your body lost, like sodium and potassium. These drinks help keep your fluids in check and make sure your body works properly even after drinking. Adding them to your recovery plan can make a big difference in how you feel1.

Mobile IV Therapy

Mobile IV Therapy has become increasingly popular as a convenient and effective way to receive essential fluids and nutrients without having to leave the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re recovering from a late-night celebration or dealing with the aftermath of a long day at work, mobile IV treatment can provide the hydration and relief you need.

One of the best ways to manage hangover migraines is by replenishing your body with fluids and electrolytes. Dehydration is a common cause of migraines, especially after excessive alcohol consumption. Mobile IV therapy can quickly and efficiently deliver hydration directly into your bloodstream, providing instant relief from headache pain and reducing the likelihood of subsequent migraines.

Additionally, mobile IV therapy offers a variety of migraine remedies after drinking. Along with hydration, IV infusions can also include medications such as anti-nausea or anti-inflammatory drugs, which can help alleviate symptoms often associated with hangovers. With mobile IV treatment, you can customize your infusion to address your specific needs and ensure a faster recovery.

Overall, mobile IV therapy is a convenient and effective solution for managing hangover migraines and promoting overall wellness. By delivering vital fluids and medications directly into your bloodstream, IV treatment can provide rapid relief and help you get back on your feet in no time. So next time you’re dealing with the aftermath of a night out, consider the benefits of mobile IV therapy for a faster and more comfortable recovery.

Effective Over-the-Counter Remedies

Over-the-counter (OTC) remedies can really help with hangover migraines. They are easy to get and can make a big difference when used right.

Role of NSAIDs

NSAIDs like ibuprofen are great for hangover headaches. They help by reducing swelling, thus easing the headache. Studies found that NSAIDs are better than a fake treatment for hangover symptoms5. But, remember to take them carefully to avoid stomach issues3.

Avoiding Acetaminophen

Avoid acetaminophen for hangovers. Taking it with leftover alcohol in your system can hurt your liver. For a safer choice in treating hangover headaches, go with NSAIDs when you follow the right dosage3 and5.

Light Exercise: Pros and Cons

Doing light exercise can help or hurt when you’re feeling hungover. It boosts your blood flow and makes you feel good by releasing endorphins. This can relieve headaches and make you feel happier. But, it’s wise to be careful when working out with a hangover. For example, light exercise can actually help with migraines if done right.

Studies show hangovers can stick around for up to 24 hours. You might feel tired, your mouth could be dry, and you could deal with a headache and nausea. Thinking clearly might be tough and you may also be sensitive to light and sound6. People with hangovers often feel more tired after working out than those who are not hungover7.

A study by Devenney et al. found that people move less during a hangover than on a day when they didn’t drink7. They spent more time sitting. This suggests that working out a lot when you’re hungover can make you more dehydrated and tired.

Still, light exercise during a hangover can be good. Things like walking or easy yoga are best. They strike a good balance and can help you feel better. It’s very important to pay attention to how your body feels and not push yourself too hard. Overdoing it can slow down your recovery and weaken your immune system6.

How To Deal With Hangover Migraines

Dealing with a hangover migraine needs quick and smart actions for a better recovery.

Initial Steps in the Morning

The first step is drinking water or electrolyte drinks, like Gatorade. They help a lot after a night of heavy drinking1. A breakfast that has a lot of carbs and protein, like eggs or potatoes, is great. It keeps your energy stable and gives your body back what it needs1. Remember, eat before, during, and after you drink. It helps your body keep the right sugar and vitamins, stopping headaches1.

Rest and Recovery Techniques

Rest is very important for getting over a hangover migraine. If you overdo things, it can make your headache worse. A light walk can make you feel better and give you fresh air without tiring you out too much1. Doing some light exercise also helps your body get rid of toxins faster1. Taking a little caffeine can sometimes lower your headache pain. But, be careful not to drink too much. It might make you more dehydrated and your headache stronger. The American Migraine Foundation suggests trying out different things with caution, like small changes in your diet or routine, when you have headache pain or trouble thinking clearly after a migraine8.

Foods That Help Alleviate Hangover Symptoms

Eating the right foods can really help with hangover symptoms. The proper nutrients speed up your body’s recovery. They make you feel better quickly and effectively.


Carbs play a big role in fighting a hangover. They level out your blood sugar, which drops after drinking. Choose whole-grain toast or crackers. They give you energy slowly. Also, they help your brain work better. Carbs fight the low blood sugar after drinking.

Protein-Packed Foods

Protein-rich foods are also good for a hangover. Eggs are great because they have amino acids. These acids help your body fight alcohol toxins. Greek yogurt is soothing for a stomach that feels off.

Eating chicken might make a hangover less severe, thanks to its zinc and vitamin B3. In a small study, it seemed to help9. And, almonds are packed with magnesium. This mineral helps your muscles relax, which can lessen headaches10.

Adding these foods to your post-drinking meals really works. They help you feel better by easing the symptoms. Whether you go for carbs or proteins, your body will thank you for the help.

Using Caffeine: Cautions and Tips

Getting through a hangover is tough. Many reach for caffeine to help. But, it’s important to know how caffeine and hangover symptoms mix. This way, you can use it wisely.

Coffee and Tea

For some, coffee or tea can ease the throbbing pain of a hangover. If you’re used to caffeine, a little might dull the headache and boost your energy. It also works with painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen, making them a bit better for some people11.

But, if you’re not a regular caffeine drinker, it could make things worse. It might make you more dehydrated and raise your blood pressure. This can actually make your headache more intense3.

Moderation Is Key

Using caffeine to tackle hangover headaches requires careful use. Too much caffeine can bring on withdrawal if you miss your usual fix. It may also make you pee more, worsening any dehydration3.

The Cleveland Clinic says you should keep it under two daily cups of coffee to avoid caffeine headaches11. Know how much caffeine you usually have. This can help you use it well for easing headaches without going overboard12.

Addressing Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting often follow a night of drinking. Alcohol makes you lose water and can irritate your stomach. This makes staying hydrated really important. Water is your best friend for helping your body recover. It replaces lost fluids and keeps your blood moving smoothly1. Drinking sports drinks like Gatorade also helps. They’re full of electrolytes, which hydrate you quickly1.

Ginger and peppermint are known for calming upset stomachs, making them good choices for fighting hangover sickness. Eating simple foods like toast, crackers, and bananas is smart. They won’t upset your stomach more and can help ease vomiting.

For a faster fix, some turn to IV treatments for their hangover. These IVs include fluids, vitamins, and meds. They’re great if you’re really feeling sick, as they start to help in just 30 to 60 minutes13. Supplements like prickly pear and certain drugs can also lessen the nausea and swelling13.

One thing you shouldn’t do is drink more alcohol to feel better. It will likely just make things worse1. Let your body recover by getting plenty of rest and avoiding alcohol. If you or someone you’re around shows signs of severe alcohol poisoning, like confusion or not breathing well, get medical help right away1.Addressing nausea and vomiting can be a challenging experience, especially when it comes to hangover migraines. Hangovers are often accompanied by severe headaches and a queasy stomach, making it difficult to go about your day as usual. However, there are coping strategies that can help alleviate these symptoms and prevent future hangover migraines.

First and foremost, prevention is key when it comes to hangover migraine relief. Drinking in moderation and staying hydrated throughout the night can help minimize the severity of hangover symptoms, including nausea and vomiting. Additionally, opting for lighter-colored alcoholic beverages that contain fewer congeners, such as vodka or gin, can reduce the likelihood of experiencing a hangover headache the following day.

When faced with a hangover migraine, it is important to prioritize self-care and rest. Providing your body with the necessary time and space to recover can significantly decrease the duration and intensity of nausea and vomiting. Avoiding alcohol altogether during this period can also prevent aggravating the symptoms and further prolonging the discomfort.

In addition, over-the-counter pain relief medications specifically formulated for headaches can provide temporary relief from hangover migraines. However, it is important to follow the instructions and recommended dosage carefully. If the symptoms persist or worsen, it is advised to seek medical attention to ensure there are no underlying causes contributing to the nausea and vomiting.

In conclusion, addressing nausea and vomiting caused by hangover migraines requires a proactive approach. By adopting hangover migraine prevention techniques, such as moderation and hydration, you can significantly reduce the chances of experiencing these unpleasant symptoms. Should a hangover migraine occur, prioritize rest, avoid alcohol, and consider over-the-counter remedies if needed. Remember, if the symptoms persist or become severe, consult a healthcare professional for guidance and proper treatment.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Hangover symptoms often go away over time. But some signs could mean you need quick medical care. This is especially true if they show signs of alcohol poisoning.

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

It’s essential to spot alcohol poisoning symptoms after a binge. Look out for confusion, seizures, very slow breathing, and feeling very cold. If these symptoms happen, you must get medical help right away. Not getting help quickly from too much drinking can be deadly.

Consulting a Healthcare Professional

If a hangover migraine doesn’t go away or gets worse after a day, see a doctor. Also, if you’re throwing up blood, finding it hard to breathe, or feel very, very confused, get medical advice quickly6. A doctor can check for serious problems and suggest the right treatments.


In conclusion, the best way to avoid hangover migraines is to not drink too much. But if you do, there are ways to lessen the pain. First, make sure you drink enough water and drinks with electrolytes to fight off dehydration. Hangover headaches can stick around for up to three days after you’ve been drinking2. Also, pick foods like whole grains and protein to keep your blood sugar steady and get needed nutrients.

It’s okay to use some over-the-counter meds like NSAIDs for your headache. But, it’s really important to stay away from acetaminophen if you’ve been drinking. This is because it can harm your liver. Some natural ways to feel better are like taking Vitamin B6 before you start drinking. They can help a bit2. And you must see a doctor if you feel really confused or have a seizure. These could be signs of something serious, like alcohol poisoning.

Listening to your body and knowing how to handle a hangover is crucial. Hangovers can be a big problem, costing the U.S. around $148 billion a year in lost work and being absent. So, it’s key to deal with hangover headaches well. Be it drinking water, eating the right foods, or taking the correct medicine. Learning to handle hangover pains can do a lot for our health lives.


What are some effective hangover headache relief methods?

For hangover headaches, start by drinking lots of water. Electrolyte drinks can also be a big help. Resting is important too. If you need more relief, over-the-counter meds like NSAIDs work well. For a natural touch, ginger and peppermint might calm your head and tummy.

How do you prevent hangover migraines?

To cut the risk of hangover migraines, choose clear spirits over dark ones. Make sure to eat a good meal before drinking, and drink water while you’re partying. If you want to level up, having carbs, protein, and healthy fats throughout your day can keep your blood sugar steady. This tricks your body into being less hangover-prone.

How does mobile IV therapy help with hangover migraines?

Mobile IV therapy is great for hangover migraines. It pumps hydration and nutrients straight into your system. This quick, direct delivery can beat a hangover faster than drinking lots of water can. It’s a top choice for those wanting to feel better in no time.

What are the benefits of using NSAIDs for hangover migraine relief?

NSAIDs, like ibuprofen and aspirin, reduce inflammation and soothe headache pain. They’re a strong ally in combating hangover migraines. Just remember, taking these too often or on an empty stomach can stir up some tummy trouble.

Why should acetaminophen be avoided during a hangover?

Acetaminophen and hangovers don’t mix well. It can damage your liver when there’s still alcohol in your system. To keep your liver safe while it’s breaking down the booze, stick to NSAIDs for headache relief.

Are there any benefits to exercising with a hangover?

Exercising lightly, like with a calm walk or simple yoga, can make you feel better. It gets your blood flowing and encourages your body to release feel-good chemicals. Just don’t overdo it. Big workouts could make you even more tired and dehydrated.

What initial steps should be taken in the morning after a hangover?

First thing after waking up with a hangover, drink water or an electrolyte drink. Follow this with a breakfast filled with carbs and protein. These steps help to stabilize your blood sugar and support your recovery. Then, give yourself plenty of time to rest.

What foods can help alleviate hangover symptoms?

To fight those hangover blues, go for carbs like whole-grain toast. Pair them up with protein-rich eats like eggs and yogurt. These foods keep your energy up and help your body flush out the bad stuff from last night’s drinks.

Is caffeine effective in managing hangover migraines?

If you’re used to caffeine, it might knock out your hangover headache. But too much caffeine can dry you out and mess with your blood pressure. Stick to a little bit to keep your symptoms from getting worse.

How can one address nausea and vomiting after drinking?

When you’re feeling queasy after drinking, it’s important to drink plenty of water or electrolytes. Treat yourself to some ginger or peppermint to calm your stomach. Simple, easy-to-digest foods like toast can also settle things down. Most of all, take this as a sign to rest and skip any more drinks.

When should you seek medical attention for hangover symptoms?

If you notice signs of alcohol poisoning, such as acting confused or seizing, get help right away. Also, if your hangover headache sticks around or feels different from usual, see a doctor. It’s better to be safe when your health is on the line.

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